Scuba Diving

2-Tank Dives Per Day
Price, USD
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
3 days minimum package, advance resv. req.
All prices are pre-booked and non-refundable.
Additional packages are available for longer stays.

Gear Rental per day - $25/set/day,
BCD $10/day, 2 items (BCD + computer) $18/day.
BCD will be SeaQuest Wave.
A 3 mil shorty is recommended.

Nitrox - $108 for 6-days, 12-tanks
All rentals are subject to proper certifications.
Please send your check to Gerry or call 585.303.4593
Prices Valid Through 6/10/2012

Copyright 2012
Stryker Scuba Adventures
All rights reserved